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Home RC aircrafts RC aircrafts with gas/nitro enginesAircraft Focke-Wulf FW-190D-9 .46 EP-GP - VQ-Models

Aircraft Focke-Wulf FW-190D-9 .46 EP-GP - VQ-Models

Price excl. tax: €245.94
Price inc. tax: €245.94

Aircraft Focke-Wulf FW-190D-9 .46 EP-GP - VQ-Models

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Aircraft Focke-Wulf FW-190D-9 .46 EP-GP - VQ-Models
Aircraft Focke-Wulf FW-190D-9 .46 EP-GP - VQ-Models

Focke-Wulf FW-190A (46 size - Warbird category)

The FW 190 is commonly considered Germany's best fi ghter aircraft of World War II. It was a rude shock to Allied forces when it first appeared in 1941 over the skies of France, as it immediately showed its superiority to any other plane of the time. The FW-190 brewed fear and intimidation in its foes with its extreme high performance. Its success shows in its numbers. Germany produced over 20,000 of these formidable fighters.

The VQ ARF’s FW-190 Wurger captures the beauty and grace of this WWII Icon in a 46 size warbird suitable for experienced R/C pilots. It’s jig-built laser cut parts go together like a glove making a strong airframe. And just like all VQ ARF’s you’ll only have to handle the final assembly as this airframe comes factory built and covered just as you’d expect from a modern ARF. Want added realism? Just add the aftermarket VQ retracts !

Electric or glow, two stroke or four, the FW-190 is fast, exciting, and fun to fly and will have you in the air in no time. Build less and Fly More with VQ ARF’s.

- Wingspan: 1500mm - 59in
- Wing Area: -
- Wing Loading: 77g/dm.sq. - 25.25oz/

  (Will Vary with Equipment Used)
- Length: 1092mm - 43in
- RTF Minimum Weight: 2.95Kg - 6.5lbs

  (Will Vary with Equipment Used)
- Radio: 4 channels - 5 servos
- Engine: .46 Two Stroke, .70 Four Stroke
- Motor: G-46 HP Motor, 5 cell 4500mAh, 13x8 propeller
- Functions: Ailerons/Elevator/Rudder/Throttle

- Factory Laser Cut, Jig-Built, All balsa and lite-ply construction
- Factory covered and Finished
- Hand Painted Pilot
- Fiberglass Cowling

- Control surfaces pre-hinged and installed
- Compatible with Glow and Electric Power System
- Battery Hatch for easy change battery
- Complete Hardware Package

- Assembly instructions with stage photos
- Tail wheel assembly
- Fiberglass cowling
- Wheels
- Aluminium wing joiner
- Engine mounts
- Spinner
- Fuel tank
- Decals and all hardware